"South Park Guy" Cosplayer Dies After Contracting COVID-19

Jarod Nandin, a gamer who gained popularity off his South Park cosplay, has died as a result of COVID-19, according to a report from TMZ.

Nandin, known as "South Park Guy" for his recreation of the comedic World of Warcraft player, revealed having contracted the coronavirus last month. He disclosed as much in mid-December before sharing a photo of himself on a respirator whilst in a hospital bed on December 22.

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The gamer seemed to be quite optimistic over his condition but, citing the WoW outlet, TMZ reports he died on Sunday.

"I’m really sorry to worry you guys. I’m in the hospital getting treatment," he wrote. "Things look good. Im just looking at Covid with a sh*t eating grin on my face and saying: "How do you Kill that which...has no Life?"

Jarod, 40 at the time of his passing, used the name NWBZPWNR in the WoW community. He made quite the entrance at BlizzCon 2013, showing up as the obese Warcraft player from South Park's season 10 "Make Love, Not Warcraft" episode. He got the look down pat, shaving the middle of his head and wearing a similar wristband to complete the gig.

Nandin nailed all of the different postures and expressions, much to the crowd's enjoyment.

He became known as "South Park Guy" thereafter and was pretty popular in the gaming community. Several fellow gamers and fans took to social media to pay their respects following news of his passing.

R.I.P Jarod Nandin.

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